Saturday Crossword Puzzle – Solve this Crossword Puzzle?

by Carol Lee
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Saturday Crossword Puzzle (2018/10/13)

The Answers are “Food, Cooked, Lemon and Clawsof Friday’s Puzzle – Find the 4 Words

Here is today’s puzzle of the daily puzzle game series by Wealth Words:

Saturday Crossword puzzle - wealth words - 2018-10-12

Solve this Crossword Puzzle?



1. Tall and leafy, these provide shady places for your picnic blanket.
2. A square of cloth or paper used to keep things clean when eating your picnic meal.
3. Grilled wiener on a bun.


4. Yellow sauce sometimes used on hamburgers and hotdogs.
5. Tiny picnic invaders.

The answer will be revealed in the Sunday Crossword Puzzle.

I hope everyone like today’s puzzle. Kindly share feedback or inputs in comments.

Stay connected and subscribe to our blog for the next puzzle game.

Keep Puzzling!

If you feel you are a genius, Solve these Online Crossword Puzzles

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